
My blogroll in the side column is not just for show. These are all the blogs that I actually read regularly through my feed/RSS reader. I choose to use a desktop reader (Vienna), simply because I find it better than any browser-based or online platforms I’ve tried. However, in doing so, I feel obliged to publicly replicate my blog list here. So, whenever I add a blog to my reader, I also add the link to my blogroll.

There is a significant overlap in my blogging and Twitter networks, and I’m increasingly finding when I access the reader (which I tend to do every two or three days), that I’ve already viewed many of the blog posts through following links on Twitter (which I typically access several times a day). This resonates with the duplicity of networks, differing frequencies of use, and transference of tasks that I’ve observed in studying the social media practices of doctoral students.


4 Responses to “Blogrolling”

  1. virginia Yonkers Says:

    I find that my use of social media depends on what I am working on. Because I am teaching a course in computer mediate communication this semester, I have used twitter and facebook a lot more. As I was working on my first draft of my dissertation (longer works), I was posting a lot more to my blog.

  2. Andy Coverdale Says:

    Our use of different platforms can vary according to our activities, but how much do we consciously engage in maintaining certain sites that are becoming neglected because our focus is elsewhere?

  3. susan beaumont Says:


    I am a historian making the transition to a history Phd from an art background. I would appreciate your expertise on several related themes!

  4. Andy Coverdale Says:

    Hi Susan. Anything in particular?

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